There are many health benefits of adding oranges to a daily diet
Oranges are the most popular citrus fruit, it provide high concentration of Vitamins, and health boosting compounds, and juicy taste. They are widely used in aromatherapy. Oranges amazing health benefits includes protecting the eyes and improving vision, enhancing sexual performance, preventing constipation, bolstering the immune system, improving mood, promoting dental health, regulating blood pressure, improving skin appearance, preventing cancerous cell growth, promoting digestion of food, and protecting the heart.![]() |
Orange - Health boosting compounds & concentration of Vitamins |
Oranges are among the world's most popular fruits.
Orange trees are the most commonly cultivated fruit trees in the world. Oranges (known scientifically as “Citrus X Sinensis” fruit) belong to the Rutaceae family. Oranges are generally available from winter through summer with seasonal variations depending on the variety. The taste can vary from juicy and sweet to bitter, depending on the variety. These are the 5 basic varieties of Oranges available across the world:1. Navel Orange :- Gets it name from the navel like apex on the Orange. These are the most commonly sold oranges in local stores.
2. Blood Orange :- Have thick skin, with ruby red pulp inside. It has a sweet and tart flavour and is used in desserts.
3. Mandarin Orange :- Has very thin skin and is less acidic compared to the regular Orange.
4. Tangerine :- It slightly larger and acidic compared to the sweet Mandarin Orange. It has soft and easy-to-peel skin.
5. Clementine :- It is quite small and seedless. Has a thin, glossy skin and is most preferred by children.
Let's take a closer look at, how these citrus fruits are compounds of health boost.
Nutrition info of Oranges
Oranges are good range of Vitamins, Minerals and antioxidants. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C. They are low in calories and full of nutrients.The nutrients in about half of a large orange (per. 100 grams):
Oranges (per. 100 grams) are primarily made up of carbs (11.8 grams) and water (87%). They’re also a good source of fiber (2.4 grams), which may support digestive health.
12 Amazing Benefits Of Oranges For Health
Orange is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, which is a powerful anti-oxidant. It strengthens the immune system and keeps away many infection-causing microbes. From pulp to the skin, every element of Orange is quite useful to us.If you love eating an orange, then you have got some more reasons to consume this fruit now. Here we have given a list of wonderful health benefits of Oranges.
1. Heart health
An increase in potassium intake along with a decrease in sodium intake is the most important dietary change that a person can make to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease. High potassium intakes are also associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and reduction in the formation of kidney stones.Flavonoids - especially hesperidin - in oranges may have protective effects against heart disease. Daily intake of orange juice for four weeks has a blood-thinning effect and may reduce blood pressure significantly. Fibers also seem to play a role. Intake of isolated fibers from citrus fruits has been shown to decrease blood cholesterol levels.
2. Oranges Benefits For Hair
For A Shiny, Voluminous Hair :- Oranges also have the ability to make your hair shiny, smooth, beautiful and bouncy.Use :- Crush the orange and make a fresh paste out of them. After that, apply the juice all over your hair. Make sure your hair is already oiled well. Now keep this mixture on your head for about half n hour and then rinse thoroughly with cold water. Use a herbal shampoo to use wash your hair and then condition it well. You will be amazed by seeing the results.
Imparts Good Hair Growth : Oranges are also essential for healthy hair growth. It is rich in Vitamin B12 and Vitamin E which is very important for long, thick and beautiful hair.
Use :- In order to get the best results, you may simply oil your hair first. After that, apply a fresh taste of oranges and honey all over your hair and let it stay for half n hour. Rinse with water and wash with a herbal shampoo. This will help you fight hair thinning and hair balding.
Prevents Dandruff :- Did you know that oranges are all you need in order to get rid of dandruff.
Use :- All you have to do is take the juice of orange peel and use the pulp for your scalp. This will remove dandruff and cleanse your scalp easily. You can also try another simple method. This would be boiling the orange peels in water and rinsing your hair with it after it has cooled down. Filter the liquid and use it every time you are about to shampoo. You will surely feel a difference.
Conditions Hair :- You may also use oranges as an excellent hair conditioner.
Use :- Just mix some orange juice with honey and water. Mix this paste well and then apply all over your hair after shampooing. You may let it stay for five to ten minutes. Use only cold water to wash your hair off. We can assure you that if you use this mixture every time you shampoo, you are going to benefit so a lot from it. Your hair will drastically improve because of the lovely, juicy, tangy orange fruits.
3. Oranges good for Eyes
People who eat oranges on a regular basis are less likely to develop an eye condition called macular degeneration. Orange once per week reduced the risk of macular degeneration.Flavonoids in oranges appear to help prevent the eye disease, while flavonoids in foods such as tea, apples, and red wine did not confer the same benefits.
4. Orange Good for Skin
Orange fruits are good for your skin. The orange is an exceptional fruit as it’s ingredients can help boost your complexion! Antioxidants found in oranges fight free radicals which may slow down the production of wrinkles, and stop premature aging.There are many skin benefits of eating one orange every day.
Natural oils in oranges can help to moisturize your skin with the end result being softer, healthier looking skin.
Antioxidants found in oranges fight free radicals which can slow down the production of wrinkles and slow down premature aging.
Oranges have a high content of citric acid which aids in skin exfoliation and helps to dry out acne, improving the overall look of your skin.
Orange peel contains a higher amount of Vitamin C than the orange itself. Grind orange peel and use as a body scrub for a healthy looking glow.
Vitamin C helps the body to form collagen and elastin which can help keep your skin looking younger and more supple.
Oranges may also prevent skin sagging, and may improve firmness.
Use for Nourishes Skin :- All you need to do is crush the peels or powder them. Now add some yoghurt to it and apply all over the face. Scrub for fifteen minutes and then wash it off with cold water. You can even use orange oil for skin problems like blemishes and acne.
5. Wards Kidney Ailments
Oranges can assist in protecting the kidney quite effectively. It makes the kidney healthy and prevents the occurrence of different diseases. It can also reduce the risk of kidney stones and for that, you will have to consume good amounts of juices. This is considered to be one of the best health benefits of oranges which makes the fruit so popular in the first place.6. Strengthens Immune System
Oranges are known for their high Vitamin C content. They are also rich in many anti-oxidants and carotenoids which are known to boost your immune system. Oranges can help in shielding the body from many types of infections and even the growth of cancerous cells. Regular consumption of Oranges can safeguard your body.7. Fights Cancer
Orange can treat cancer and you don’t have to visit a doctor for that purpose. The phytochemical content in this fruit is so high that anyone and everyone will be willing to eat this fruit for reducing all their physical disturbances. There are different varieties of cancer and for that purpose the breast, lungs, stomach, etc can be affected. Luckily, an orange provides protection in all those platforms and thus it is one of the finest fruits out there for you. It has been found effective for treating severe skin cancer as well.8. Promotes Weight Loss
The benefits of oranges for weight loss are numerous. Oranges are a rich source of fibre and Vitamin C. The water content in this fruit is high which makes it low in calories and high in taste. They keep your tummy filled for a longer period of time and also help you to lose weight fast. Because they are low in calories and are very organic, you can completely rely on them for the burning belly and body fat. Most doctors have also said that oranges will benefit you to lower insulin. By this we mean, that instead of storing or converting fat, this will be used as a fuel and help you shed those pounds faster.9. Prevents Constipation
Oranges are known for having good amounts of fibre content. When it is consumed in the form of whole fruit, oranges can add bulk to your stools and flush them out seamlessly. Thereby, the chances of constipation are lowered, with a reduced feeling of bloating or heaviness in the stomach. This is one of the best Orange fruit advantages to our body.10. Lowers Blood Pressure
Orange juice benefits in lowering the blood pressure. It is one of the best fruits out there that can make your body healthy from the core and for all the physical upsetting factors associated with such blood pressure symptoms, orange juice is the best for you. It is loaded with some of the most important vitamins and minerals that can make you healthy from the core so that there is no further spread of diseases in the body.11. Improves Blood Circulation
Vitamin C is known as a natural blood thinner. Oranges are loaded with this Vitamin, which can promote good blood flow in the body. It can strengthen the capillary walls and even prevent the accumulation of plaque. This prevents the risk of heart diseases and even sudden strokes.12. Destroys Bacteria And Virus
If you are facing some serious viral infections, then one of the best ways to fight that viral infection will take proper intake of orange extracts on a daily basis. If you are suffering from skin infections or fever caused by the virus (which you can figure out from the symptoms), then also you can take orange. It is one of the best fruits out there and will definitely help you in getting rid of almost all physical disturbances. The virus spreads throughout the body quite quickly and for that orange is always there to assist youOranges in your diet
Eat oranges whole or in fruit salads or juice them.1. Oranges Juice
Freshly squeezed orange juice contains most of the nutrients of fresh oranges. Freshly prepared orange juice has some advantages. Granted, it doesn't have the same amount of fiber as the whole fruit, but if it's done properly it can still retain most of the health properties of oranges. So if you want to enjoy to the full the health benefits of oranges, please make sure your orange juice is as fresh as possible and it contains as much of the pulp as possible. If, as stated above, it contains some of the peel as well, even better.Use :- Lightly sauté onions and then de-glaze the pan with orange juice. Use this liquid as a marinade and sauce for grilled tofu.
Blend cooked carrots with orange juice, season with rosemary and serve as a cold soup.
Gently simmer sweet potatoes, winter squash and orange segments in orange juice. Before serving, sprinkle with walnuts.
Freeze orange juice in ice cube trays. Once they are mostly frozen, gently blend in a food processor to create a frozen granita dessert.
2. Oranges in Syrup
You can even make a tasty orange dish by just pouring melted sugar over peeled oranges and eat them after few minutes. The sweet and sour taste of oranges coupled with sugary syrup tastes delicious!3. Fruit Salad
This is a healthy and tasty way to enjoy eating oranges. Cut small pieces of all seasonally available fruits and add them in a plate (add more oranges to it). Now, sprinkle black pepper powder and salt over it and consume.4. Orange jam
Add peeled oranges to a container and pour sugar syrup over them. Let it marinate for few days by storing it in refrigerator. Consume it after few days.5. Orange smoothie
Add one cup of fresh orange juice, one cup of orange pieces and 2 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoon of lemon juice in a mixer and blend till smooth. Put one-fourth cup of crushed ice in two glasses and pour the smoothie over it. Serve immediately.6. Orange & Avocado Salad Recipe
8 C mixed organic salad greens1 C avocado, diced
¼ C silvered red onions
½ C Cilantro-Lime Vinaigrette (below)
Cilantro-Lime Vinaigrette Recipe
1 C packed cilantro
½ C extra-virgin, cold-pressed olive oil
¼ C lime juice
½ tsp Himalayan salt
½ tsp pepper
Pinch fresh minced garlic
Puree in blender or food processor until smooth. Mix with salad and enjoy!
The uses of Orange Essential Oil are abundant, ranging from medicinal and odorous to cosmetic. Its many forms include oils, gels, lotions, soaps, shampoos, acne treatments, sprays, deodorants, and candles.
Aromatherapy :- Used in aromatherapy applications, Orange Essential Oil can deodorize while exuding its own fresh and energizing scent. Simply inhaling the scent of the oil from the bottle has a sedative, relaxing effect that simultaneously reduces anxiety and contributes to the feeling of being alert. Orange Oil can be diffused throughout a room by adding 5-6 drops in a diffuser on low heat. This is reputed to boost the mood and even improve digestion. To ease both physical and mental fatigue, mix 5 drops of Sweet Orange Essential Oil and 5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil in a diffuser. Inhaling the scent of Orange Essential Oil is also known to relieve the nasal irritation associated with seasonal allergies, as it eases sinus congestion, headache, and itchiness. While travelling, Orange Oil can be sniffed from either the bottle or from a soaked cotton ball just as the first symptoms of irritation begin in the nose.
Add to the laundry for scent :- Orange Oil can be added to the laundry to scent clothing, or it can be added to the dishwasher. To scent the kitchen in particular with a warm, clean Orange blend, fill a pot with water and add 1-9 drops of Orange Essential Oil along with either Lemon Essential Oil or Lemon rinds, Cinnamon sticks, and Cloves. Allow this blend to simmer on the stove. Alternatively, blend Orange, Lemon, Cinnamon, and Clove essential oils in an electric diffuser.
Use in cosmetic applications :- Used in cosmetic applications, Orange Essential Oil is known to enhance the complexion, especially for those who suffer from eczema. For a natural moisturizer, combine 1-2 drops of Orange Essential Oil with 1-3 tsp. of a carrier oil such as Organic Almond, Olive, Coconut, Hemp, Jojoba, or Macadamia. Apply this mix to the skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots and to encourage collagen production. Orange Essential Oil can also be combined with other oils such as Frankincense Essential Oil and Tea Tree Essential Oil, which are known to facilitate the healing of skin.
Use for skin afflicted :- For skin afflicted with acne, Orange Essential Oil can be combined with a small amount of Coconut Carrier Oil on a cotton ball and applied to the affected areas – or areas that seem like they might begin to breakout. This mix is reputed to eliminate bacteria, soothe inflammation, reduce pain and swelling associated with acne, and prevent dryness. For an even higher effectiveness, Orange Essential Oil can be blended with Geranium Essential Oil or Cinnamon Essential Oil. After it has been determined that skin will not have a negative reaction to Orange Essential Oil, a few drops of the oil may also be added to a warm bath or to a body wash. For an acne spot-treatment, a cotton swab dipped directly in Sweet Orange Oil can be dabbed onto affected areas of skin to reduce the bacteria that contribute to and worsen acne. 1 drop of Orange Oil can also be mixed with Organic Aloe Vera gel before being dabbed onto blemishes and wrinkles.
Reduce blemishes and unwanted spots :- For a cleanser that reduces blemishes and unwanted spots without dehydrating the skin, Orange Oil can be combined with Honey. To create this anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory acne treatment, blend together 1 Tbsp. Organic Coconut Carrier Oil, 3 Tbsp. Raw Honey, 1 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar, 20 drops Orange Essential Oil, and 2 capsules of Live Probiotics. With a hand blender, combine all these ingredients, then pour them into a glass bottle and store it in a cool, dark, dry place until it is ready for use.
Use for reduce of oil on the skin :- For a simple yet deeply cleansing face wash that reduces the amount of oil on the skin and controls acne breakouts, a nightly tonic can be made by adding 2-3 drops of Orange Essential Oil to 1 cup of water. This mixture can be used to wash the face before going to bed. For those who apply makeup to the skin, 3-4 drops of Orange Oil can be combined with a 1 Tbsp. of a light carrier oil such as Olive or Sweet Almond before the blend is applied to the face with a cotton ball or cotton pad. Before wiping it off, allow the oil to sit on the skin for 5 minutes.
Reduce dandruff and itchiness :- Used in hair, a combination of Orange Essential Oil and Honey is known to eliminate bacteria, to reduce dandruff and itchiness by restoring moisture, and to balance the scalp’s pH without removing any of its vital natural oils. For a shampoo that achieves all of the aforementioned, combine 1 cup water, 5 Tbsp. Raw Honey, 5 drops Orange Essential Oil, and 5 drops Lemon Essential Oil in a bowl before transferring the blend to a glass dispenser bottle. Shake the bottle well before each use and apply this shampoo as normal.
Use in medicinal applications :- Orange Essential Oil can reduce inflammation, promote relaxation, and enhance circulation. Combining it with a carrier oil and massaging it into the abdominal area is reputed to facilitate and improve digestion, which eases or prevents cramps and constipation. For higher effectiveness, Orange Essential Oil can be combined with Peppermint or Spearmint essential oils before it is diluted with a carrier oil and massaged into the belly. Orange Oil is known to have diuretic properties, thus massaging it into the belly also promotes the release of toxins, especially from the digestive tract, while stimulating the bladder and lymphatic system.
Use for pain and swelling in the joints :- Orange Oil’s anti-inflammatory properties can offer relief to those who suffer from pain and swelling in the joints. For a soothing balm that addresses the symptoms of arthritis, melt 1 Tbsp. of Coconut Carrier Oil over low heat, then mix in 10 drops of Orange Essential Oil. Apply this salve to affected areas until it is completely absorbed into the skin. Similarly, to reduce symptoms of edema – better known as fluid retention – warm 3 Tbsp. of Sesame Seed Carrier Oil and mix in 10 drops of Sweet Orange Essential Oil. This blend can be massaged into swollen feet and ankles until completely absorbed. Alternatively, Orange Oil can be used in a foot soak: Add a mixture of 2 Tbsp. Sea Salt and 10-15 drops of Orange Essential Oil to a basin of warm water and soak the feet for 20-30 minutes. For facial edema, a similar blend can be made by adding 1 tsp. of Sea Salt to a cup of warm water and stirring in 5 drops of Sweet Orange Essential Oil. This can be applied to the face with cotton balls that have been dipped into the mixture and placed on the cheeks and under the eyes.
To improve digestion :- Mix 3-4 drops of Orange Essential Oil with 1 tsp. of Olive Carrier Oil and massage it into the abdominal area. This will encourage digestive enzymes to be released, which will subsequently improve digestion and thereby prevent or relieve gas and constipation.
10. Interesting and Amazing Facts about Orange
- It is possible to grow more than one plant from an orange seed.
- Orange tree foliage remains green throughout the year. Old leaves are replaced by new leaves which always keep the plant green.
- After chocolate and vanilla, orange is the world’s favourite flavor.
- An orange tree can grow to reach 30 feet and live for over a hundred years.
- There are over 600 varieties of oranges.
- Brazil is the largest producer of orange (About 1/3rd), followed by United States, Mexico, and China.
- There are over 35 million orange trees in Spain.
- Navel oranges are named that because of the belly-button formation opposite the stem end. The bigger the navel in an orange, the sweeter it will be.
- Moro oranges are also called blood oranges because the pulp is bright red.
- Orange peels contain many volatile oil glands in pits. It can be used in food e.g to make a candy and orange tea.